
Like many people these days, I hardly know what to do with myself without Facebook. It's my window into the lives of all my friends -- the place I can keep up with their job promotions and kids' plays, find their links to important and thought-provoking articles and find out what they are recommending I look at online.

Unfortunately, Facebook is keeping track of what we all look at online, too. From the day you sign-up for Facebook, the social networking site installs browser and session cookies on your computer to see where you surf on the Internet. Any time you land on a page that has a Facebook "like" button or other Facebook application, that information is sent back to Facebook.

The system is detailed today in this USA Today story.

The ACLU believes that people should have control over the information they share online. That's why Internet privacy is one of our key action areas on the national level.

Stand with us. Tell companies to protect your online privacy.