Legislative Advocacy

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Click here to send a message in opposition of Senate Bill 114, and help maintain the separation of church and state! SB 114, which would require Montana public schools to permanently display the Ten Commandments in  every public school classroom, is blatantly unconstitutional and fundamentally at odds with the founding principles of our country. As soon as this law is passed, it will be challenged in the Courts and likely struck down, wasting taxpayer dollars as the State is forced to mount a futile defense. Urge your elected officials to oppose SB114.

The Montana State Legislature is currently in session

The Montana State Legislature convenes for 90 days in January each odd-numbered year. The legislature consists of a House of Representatives and a Senate. Each bill that becomes law must be approved by both chambers.
The ACLU of Montana works year-round to protect the constitutional rights and civil liberties of all Montanans, including members of the 13 Native American tribes within the state. During the legislative session, we collaborate with ACLU supporters, other organizations, impacted communities, and lawmakers to draft bills, lobby legislators, testify in support of bills, seek support from other groups, draft fact sheets, and conduct outreach to the media. We also work hard to defeat bills that infringe on our freedom or threaten the civil rights and liberties of Montanans.  
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